📄️ Array filter
The .filter() method is a common array method. When you call this method on an array, you will receive another array containing some of the original array's items based on the condition you specify.
📄️ Check the length
Complete the function `toCheckLength` so that it returns an array containing string of length "greater than 6".
📄️ Big cities
Complete the function `getCityPopulation` so that it returns city array whose population is greater than "3 million(3000000)".
📄️ Array find
In the previous lesson, we learned about the Array .filter() method. In this lesson, we'll look at the .find() method, which is similar in its operation.
📄️ Search my id
Complete the function `toSearchId` so that it returns "search id" when found in the array. Otherwise return "undefined".
📄️ Odd years
Complete the function `getOddYears` such that it returns all the years that are odd from the years parameter it receives.
📄️ More array methods
In this lesson, we'll take a look at three array methods.
📄️ Search element
Complete the function `isElement` such that it returns "true" when the element exist and "false" otherwise.
📄️ String sizes
Complete the function `getStringSizes` such that it returns an array of number of characters of each element of the "strings" array.
📄️ Grade generator
You can enter "mark" and add them to the app, which will show you various statistics based on the marks entered.
📄️ Senior citizens
Complete the function `getSeniorCitizensCount` such that it return the number of "senior citizens" in the city selected by the user.